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acudance & journeydance

What is Acudance?

Acudance is a combined healing arts practice that uses expressive movement and acupuncture to transform energy and create well-being for the whole person; body, mind, heart, & spirit.

Clients are given an opportunity at the beginning of each treatment to express feelings, thoughts, & desires through conscious and authentic movement before lying down to receive acupuncture to support the movement they have created and expressed through their "dance".

Each person is witnessed without judgment and the perspective generated through their movement serves to deepen the benefits of acupuncture.

Acu-dance is recommended for those who want to participate actively in their healing journey and are open to both movement and acupuncture as methods for accomplishing that.

Acudance Will...


• Connect you with your body and spirit 

• Release the stagnant energy that holds you back from living fully self-expressed
• Reveal to you parts of yourself usually kept hidden and unexpressed
• Empower you as an active contributor to your own well-being

What is JourneyDance?

JourneyDance™ is a creative and exhilarating union of improv dance, visualization and free exploration that moves us through deep, personal exploration into a loving, intimate relationship with body, mind, and source energy.

Dance and play from the heart. Enter a journey of inner rhythms, expressive movements, and spontaneity.

Release, shake loose, and let go to freedom. Activate your own power, sensuality, love, and innate wisdom. Through breath and movement rejuvenate body mind and spirit.

Practiced to inspiring world music, your dance is an empowering journey of transformation, both for the body and soul... and its fun!
No previous dance experience necessary!

Email to be added to our contact list for updated event information.

Yiska leads dances monthly at various venues throughout NYC.

Visit for more information.

"My treatments with Yiska have been immense!  We begin the sessions by talking a little bit and then progress into a short time of free movement where my body speaks volumes that words may not convey. Yiska's unconditional and nonjudgmental approach makes it easy to move honestly and with absolutely no performance anxiety…I am touched and transformed by her treatments and am deeply grateful to her for helping me through one of the most challenging times of my life." - Sarah

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