Comforting Touch for Birth
A Guide for Doulas and Expectant Parents
Is this you?
You are a doula who is present and hands-on with your clients during labor (or wants to be).
You are a birth worker or childbirth educator looking for a high-quality resource about comforting touch for parents-to-be.
You are an expectant parent.
And you’re here because you...
Want to be of deep support during labor.
Want know exactly how to touch your clients (or partner) in a profoundly satisfying way.
Want to do everything you can so that your child comes into this world with her birth parent feeling 100% comforted and supported.
(And ideally? You’d like to know how to provide this support without exhausting yourself…)
But there’s just one catch…
Maybe you aren’t totally certain your clients (or partner) will like what you’re doing on the big day (you don’t want to do it wrong!)
Or maybe you’re not quite sure how to touch someone during such an intimate experience
Or perhaps this is the first time you’ve even been with someone giving birth before… and you want to get it right!
Have no fear… the Comforting Touch for Birth guide is here!
If you’ve been wishing for step by step instructions that tell you exactly how to touch a woman in labor in a way that is deeply comforting for her, you’re in luck! I wrote one.
Based on my 22 years as a massage therapist, doula, and acupuncturist, Comforting Touch for Birth is a guidebook that walks you step by step through everything you need to know to provide comforting touch to a woman in labor, so she feels safe, relaxed and held throughout.
A 70+ page PDF complete with 15 beautiful illustrations and 10 short-and-sweet demonstration videos, Comforting Touch for Birth will show you how to approach your clients or partner with confidence and ease.
Here’s what attendees of my programs have to say:
"This is such an invaluable course for any doula, new or experienced, who wants to increase her confidence and ability to provide comforting touch to her clients." Amy Goldstein, Birth Doula and Bradley Childbirth Educator
"Yiska taught us massage techniques during my pregnancy that I swear changed our lives. My husband was so happy to be able to actively participate in relieving some of the tension I had with my pregnant belly and I was more than happy to receive it! We practiced relaxing while implementing the counter-pressure techniques she taught us as we were preparing for labor and used them during labor itself. I gave birth vaginally, with no drugs, and truly believe that her techniques were a big part of our success." Jessie Pressman, new mom
So, who am I and how do I know this?
Hello! I’m Yiska. I’ve been a massage therapist for almost 30 years, a birth doula for 23 years and an acupuncturist for 17 years. Along the way I’ve worked with thousands of pregnant women and their partners to find comfort during pregnancy and labor.
Yes, you read that right, thousands!
And that experience has shown me exactly what kind of touch women in labor do -- and do not -- want.
Over the past few years, I’ve been teaching in-person workshops for doulas and parents-to-be, showing them simple yet wonderful ways they can provide comfort and support to a woman throughout the childbirth experience. Many of my students and clients have been asking me to write a guidebook they can use as a reference (and share with friends)... and so here it is: Comforting Touch for Birth.

One of 15 illustrations - credit: Jake Friedman
A quick note to experienced doulas:
Are you a seasoned doula who has years of experience already? Comforting Touch for Birth is not just for the newbies. There is plenty in here for you, as well!
My first Comforting Touch for Birth class was developed specifically for a highly experienced birth doula who wanted to learn additional ways to comfort her clients using touch.
This guidebook builds upon what you already know, giving you principles and techniques of touch I discovered only after years of working as a doula and massage therapist (and most doulas wouldn’t know).
A look inside Comforting Touch for Birth...
Comforting Touch for Birth: A Guide for Doulas and Expectant Parents is a 70+ page downloadable guidebook featuring:
My 12 Original Guiding Principles: Learn what makes the difference between a “blah” massage and an “ah” massage
Four Counter-Pressure Techniques to be used during contractions
Four Relaxation Techniques to be used between contractions (People don’t always know the difference between the kind of touch women like during contractions verses in-between. There is a difference and it’s a BIG one!)
Two Bonus Techniques for Prenatal and Postpartum support
10 helpful video demonstrations and 15 illustrations to provide you with a visual understanding of each technique
A Quick Reference Sheet to serve as an easy mental reminder during labor
I personally invite you to learn with me so you can have the know-how you need to support your partner (or clients) with confident touch that will feel really wonderful for her. Let me show you how to rock your baby’s birth or your doula business (whatever desire has you reading this far)! With Comforting Touch for Birth: A Guide for Doulas and Expectant Parents, I know you can do that.
Buy your copy HERE and start learning the secrets of Comforting Touch for Birth today!

Refund Policy and Copyright Disclaimer:
Due to the digital nature of this content, all purchases are non-refundable. The Comforting Touch Guide for Birth itself is copyrighted and contains proprietary original content. Please refrain from sharing the link for your paid download. Do share what you learn from it and let others know where they can find and purchase their own copy. Your honesty and respect is being held in trust and is greatly appreciated.
More Testimonials and Reviews:

"Reading through Yiska's Comforting Touch tutorial, I can hear her voice, the voice of someone with years of experience, but more than that, the voice of someone who truly understands the power of touch. Yiska has an uncanny ability to describe not just how to massage a person in labor, but how to listen to your own intuition and trust what your hands are telling you. Even if you've never given a massage in your life, the videos make each technique entirely approachable and imminently do-able. This tutorial is so much more than a how-to, it teaches you to trust yourself and your touch so you can really be with someone through their labor."
Erica St. Lawrence, RN, birth and postpartum doula

"As a first time father, I have been committed to learning as much as possible in preparation for our upcoming birth. My wife Amanda and I are aiming for a homebirth and despite hiring a doula, I really want to be an active support person and participant in the birth of our child. Thankfully, Amanda shared Yiska's Comforting Touch tutorial which I have found extremely valuable. Aside from the clear and concise overview of the phases of birth, the best part was the counter pressure and relaxation techniques. I loved how each one came with illustrations and demonstration videos making it easy to learn. Reading this has made me feel like I have an extensive toolbox to draw upon regardless of how our labor and birth goes. I will definitely have the Quick Reference Guide handy in case I need it during birth! I also am thankful that I can refer to this in the future when we have subsequent children. It's an invaluable tool and I recommend all fathers-to-be to read and learn these techniques that will help them be involved and supportive in the adventure of their babies' births!"
Sebastian Alappat, father-to-be

"The training I took with Yiska has really transformed my doula practice. For the first time (in my 8 years of doula work!) clients have been telling me how much my touch has helped them and asking me if I am trained in massage!"
Sara Baum, birth doula

Comforting Touch for Doulas On-Demand Class
This 3.5 hour pre-recorded video course teaches you principles and practices to better support clients and partners prenatally, during labor, and postpartum through the power of massage and touch.
Your $68 investment includes a copy of the Comforting Touch for Birth Guidebook plus additional exclusive video content, and numerous resources for you and to share with your clients.