Welcome to your Comforting Touch for Postpartum Doulas on-demand package!

You can catch the *full class replay here.
As mentioned during class, you can also follow up by checking out and revisiting any of the following videos and links directly. Feel free to share any of these with clients as well.
Neck and Shoulder Press: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-osXLcrdseo&t=7s
Neck reverse stretch: https://youtu.be/CYl_kUgdPyk?si=cFfBF91POnAgNYOB
Foot massage sequence: https://youtu.be/bcbSb2OF9NY?si=f7Hj_CpZ8z0lagve
Cesarean Scar massage with the Functional Pelvis: https://youtu.be/lCf_9plSTQs?si=JoKFVHzRa0k2kCvU
Helpful baby belly massage moves: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaHTWJzAYvk/
My full Comforting Touch for Babies class to share with clients: https://birthsmarter.com/products/comforting-touch-for-babies
Moroccan postpartum traditions education: https://www.instagram.com/laylabrachid/
Stay connected in the Comforting Touch Doulas FB group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/215615578802331/ and on IG @comfortingtouchdoula. If you have any followup questions let me know!